Monday 11 June 2012

Lovely pastels

Some pastels now and then are very welcome between all the
powerful coulours I've been wearing :)
And focus on the shoes :)
They're the best part of this outfit and they were a bargain :) 
(found them half the price)

Enjoy the photos:

I'm wearing:

Skirt: vintage
Shirt: Koton
Bag - H&M
Belt: Bershka
Shoes: Il Passo
Bow - self made

Long live the green!


  1. Lovely color mix! Crazy about the shoes!

  2. Daca ridici tivul fustei ceva mai sus poti adauga inclusiv o pereche suava de sosete albe in ton cu bluza.O palma mai scurta cred eu ca ar avantaja mai bine fusta, care de altfel e tare draguta.Din poze pare ca pica fix pe mijlocul pulpei, in zona cea mai proeminenta, ceea ce nu ar fi tocmai o problema intr-un outfit ce ar include tocuri.

    1. :) stiu - si era deja programata pt scurtare dar nu am mai avut rabdare sa o scurtez si am facut poze cu ea asa pt ca imi erau prea dragi pantofii si se potriveau de minune cu fusta :)

  3. Pantofii sunt geniali, si imi place mult contrastul dintre verdele curelei si fusta. :D
